Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back in the day...


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I cant believe that it has been so long since my last post. So much has happened since my 30th birthday, and I dont know where to begin. But, I will try to get all of you up to speed...

I have to admit I had an amazing 30th birthday. It started out with bowling, cake, presents and love all around. I also got surprised with all my favorite things by my boyfriend (I will explain later). For example: apple juice, daisies, and my all-time favorite cake from my favorite bakery.

Since then I have been getting out of my bubble and doing things that I never expected--like skydiving. Yes, I jumped out of a perfectly good plane for fun! I admit, it was amazing!

Back in February I met someone on a dating website. We hit it off and have been dating ever since. He is great! He makes me so happy, and gets me to do and think of things that I never would have thought of--so much fun! I can't predict what the future holds for us, but I hope there are many more days that we get to share with one another.

Lately, I have been thinking about what I want to do when i grow up... And well, the only thing that makes me happy is baking cupcakes and cakes. I am, by no means, an expert, but that is where my pure love for it comes in. I am willing to try different things, and have been thinking about going to school for baking. It sounds amazing, but it is so expensive... I would love to have the technical background in baking, but i am not exactly sure it will happen... For now, I do what I do best and that is bake the way I know how!