Thursday, August 4, 2011

Warrior Dash 2011

On July 23, 2011, The Warrior Dash came to Afton, MN. The Warrior Dash is a timed race that is advertised as "3.02 miles of hell." There are multiple challenging obstacles along with a run... sound like fun?!?! Matt and I signed up to do this race together but due to medical reasons, I was not able to run. I am so proud of Matt running this race and finishing...I knew he was a "warrior." There were a lot of injuries, mud but it was a lot of fun. I hope to be able to run it next year with Matt!

Who is a fool?..

Have you ever felt as though you thought you knew someone and then you find out that you were totally wrong?? Well, that is where I am right now in life...for years, I thought that people were genuinely amazing people but, due to current events, I have found out that I was played for a fool. Lied to, hurt and who even knows what else...I feel lost and confused to all of man kind. I know I shouldn't give up on man kind and believe and know that good people do exist, but do I want to go through all the heartache to get to those very few good ones?? I know my boyfriend would tell me, "hell ya! you got through the bad to get to the good." I know he is right but I am so exhausted...I am tied of crying over people that have hurt me. I suppose in a way I let it get that way because I am too nice and slightly naive to peoples bullshit, but I don't believe that I have to sacrifice who I am to have good people in my life...