Sunday, January 16, 2011

#%*@ hit the fan

Have u ever gone through life and wondered why u are where u are?? Recently, I have been struggling through this thing called isnt going as life is on hold...and everything seems to be piling up. I need an escape or a vacation...HELP!

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Crazy few days...

The past few days have been crazy with me not feeling well and then with Baiya not feeling well...poor lil Baiya...she is far worse than me.

I have included a picture of Baiya in her new kennel, aka "her mansion", before she got really ill.

I will post more when Baiya and I are feeling better.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


For 20011 I have decided that it is the year of Joy. over the past few weeks I have discovered that i choose how i am going to feel for the day and how I react to things that happen to me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011 = The Year of Me

I am so happy that 2010 is be hind me ans that now I can focus on a new chapter of my life and doing things to make me happy. I have learned that I am the only one that can make me happy because I choose to be happy or, in 2011, I choose to not let other make me feel bad, sad, mad or question who I am. I am know who I am and what i have to offer the wold... take it or leave it!