Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let me get you up to speed (update)

Where do I begin??....

A lot has happened but some days it feels as though nothing happens. And just when you think nothing is going to happen/change it does....I went from being in a relationship to being single, living on my own to moving back in with my parents, being financially stable to not knowing where my next meal is coming from, and being happy/confident to being broken/beat up by someone I cared about.

I have gotten to the point where I felt that I deserved nothing good was ever gonna happen to me so there was not point in figuring out how to pick up the pieces and putting myself together. I admit that I was depressed and having an internal battle with my head and my heart...I am just glad that I can see a light at the end of the tunnel and that my REAL friends have been here for me. I owe then so much for telling me that everything was going to be okay but also understanding that I needed time to process what I was going through. Despite the tears, bruises and the thoughts of worthlessness, they were there. I owe then so much for ALWAYS being there for me. They accept me for who I am and help me to realize that who I am should be enough.

Currently, I am working on myself, taking time to do things I like, hangout with people that love me, and just put myself first because I DESERVE THAT! If I can give anyone advice, i would have to say to live life for you, do what you like/enjoy, and NEVER live your life on the back burner.

"Be strong in the Lord and, Never give up hope, You're going to do great things, I already know, God's got His hand on you so, Don't live life in fear, Forgive and forget, But don't forget why you're here,Take your time and pray, And thank God for each day..." -Sidewalk Prophets (The Words I Would Say)