Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Did I sign on the dotted line?

Life is never what it seems and it is never what it is suppose to be. Recently, I started a new job as a Patient Care Advocate and thought it would be right up my alley since I like to help people but I was sooo wrong...I spend 8 hours of my day getting yelled at and called names because people dont get what they want. The company I work for as some internal issues where I also get yelled at if I have to transfer a memeber to another department...so if it isnt a memeber it is a co worker that is yelling at me. I feel as though I have ssigned my life away with the devil and that I am there until my soul is gone...I dont even recognize the person I am while I am there and that scares me. So here I am unsure what to do and if anyone out there can give me some advise...please do...not sure if anyone even reads this....