Sunday, November 20, 2011

What am I thankful for...

Thanksgiving is here. I love the feeling of crisp air and enjoying the last few days of nice weather before we gear up for our snow boots and puffer coats.

I am so excited to be cooking a Thanksgiving meal, but sad to say that I will be eating/enjoying it by myself. All my loved ones will be spending the holiday elsewhere. I don't mind since I am having to work bright and early the following day at 7am. I think it will be a low key day of cooking, cleaning, and relaxing.

I am thankful to be loved by so many wonderful people. I am thankful that my dad's health is getting better, and everyday he seems to be more like himself. I am thankful that this year I have a job, and am able to do nice things for the people I care about. And, I am thankful for having a smile on my face despite the crazy up and down year I have had so far.... What are you thankful for?