Sunday, November 20, 2011

What am I thankful for...

Thanksgiving is here. I love the feeling of crisp air and enjoying the last few days of nice weather before we gear up for our snow boots and puffer coats.

I am so excited to be cooking a Thanksgiving meal, but sad to say that I will be eating/enjoying it by myself. All my loved ones will be spending the holiday elsewhere. I don't mind since I am having to work bright and early the following day at 7am. I think it will be a low key day of cooking, cleaning, and relaxing.

I am thankful to be loved by so many wonderful people. I am thankful that my dad's health is getting better, and everyday he seems to be more like himself. I am thankful that this year I have a job, and am able to do nice things for the people I care about. And, I am thankful for having a smile on my face despite the crazy up and down year I have had so far.... What are you thankful for?

Look what I made...

So today I was inspired to make dinner for Matt...what did I make? I decided that honey balsamic chicken wings sounded good but coming up with sides was the tough part....but I managed to come up with steamed broccoli and brown rice. I have to admit that I am quite proud of myself for those one...yay me!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Asian funnies...

So today I asked my mom if we had any tomato soup...she goes in the pantry and pulls out a can of Chef Boyardee Beefaroni and says "same thing" and then walks does a person respond to that?!

Did I sign on the dotted line?

Life is never what it seems and it is never what it is suppose to be. Recently, I started a new job as a Patient Care Advocate and thought it would be right up my alley since I like to help people but I was sooo wrong...I spend 8 hours of my day getting yelled at and called names because people dont get what they want. The company I work for as some internal issues where I also get yelled at if I have to transfer a memeber to another if it isnt a memeber it is a co worker that is yelling at me. I feel as though I have ssigned my life away with the devil and that I am there until my soul is gone...I dont even recognize the person I am while I am there and that scares me. So here I am unsure what to do and if anyone out there can give me some advise...please do...not sure if anyone even reads this....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Warrior Dash 2011

On July 23, 2011, The Warrior Dash came to Afton, MN. The Warrior Dash is a timed race that is advertised as "3.02 miles of hell." There are multiple challenging obstacles along with a run... sound like fun?!?! Matt and I signed up to do this race together but due to medical reasons, I was not able to run. I am so proud of Matt running this race and finishing...I knew he was a "warrior." There were a lot of injuries, mud but it was a lot of fun. I hope to be able to run it next year with Matt!

Who is a fool?..

Have you ever felt as though you thought you knew someone and then you find out that you were totally wrong?? Well, that is where I am right now in life...for years, I thought that people were genuinely amazing people but, due to current events, I have found out that I was played for a fool. Lied to, hurt and who even knows what else...I feel lost and confused to all of man kind. I know I shouldn't give up on man kind and believe and know that good people do exist, but do I want to go through all the heartache to get to those very few good ones?? I know my boyfriend would tell me, "hell ya! you got through the bad to get to the good." I know he is right but I am so exhausted...I am tied of crying over people that have hurt me. I suppose in a way I let it get that way because I am too nice and slightly naive to peoples bullshit, but I don't believe that I have to sacrifice who I am to have good people in my life...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back in the day...


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I cant believe that it has been so long since my last post. So much has happened since my 30th birthday, and I dont know where to begin. But, I will try to get all of you up to speed...

I have to admit I had an amazing 30th birthday. It started out with bowling, cake, presents and love all around. I also got surprised with all my favorite things by my boyfriend (I will explain later). For example: apple juice, daisies, and my all-time favorite cake from my favorite bakery.

Since then I have been getting out of my bubble and doing things that I never expected--like skydiving. Yes, I jumped out of a perfectly good plane for fun! I admit, it was amazing!

Back in February I met someone on a dating website. We hit it off and have been dating ever since. He is great! He makes me so happy, and gets me to do and think of things that I never would have thought of--so much fun! I can't predict what the future holds for us, but I hope there are many more days that we get to share with one another.

Lately, I have been thinking about what I want to do when i grow up... And well, the only thing that makes me happy is baking cupcakes and cakes. I am, by no means, an expert, but that is where my pure love for it comes in. I am willing to try different things, and have been thinking about going to school for baking. It sounds amazing, but it is so expensive... I would love to have the technical background in baking, but i am not exactly sure it will happen... For now, I do what I do best and that is bake the way I know how!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Big 30th Birthday

Here it is--the eve before my 30th birthday--and I have a bunch of mixed emotions. Part of me wants to sleep through it, but another part of me wants to live it to the fullest. I know I shouldn't, but I keep thinking about birthdays in the past. I can't help but wonder how/why this year will be different... What did I do better this year to deserve an awesome birthday?? I guess I better get my birthday smile on and enjoy this weekend's festivities. Friday, I will be cooking dinner. Saturday, I will be going to The Melting Pot. The rest of the weekend is up in the air... Who knows what will happen...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Life is what you make it...

The saying goes, "life is what you make it," but what happens when you make it the best you can but it never seems to work out?? You go through life doing the best you can and yet it isn't enough. You do everything that you think is right but it isn't. I am trying to stay positive and motivated but i admit i am getting tired of it all....i guess i jst need to do my best.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

#%*@ hit the fan

Have u ever gone through life and wondered why u are where u are?? Recently, I have been struggling through this thing called isnt going as life is on hold...and everything seems to be piling up. I need an escape or a vacation...HELP!

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Crazy few days...

The past few days have been crazy with me not feeling well and then with Baiya not feeling well...poor lil Baiya...she is far worse than me.

I have included a picture of Baiya in her new kennel, aka "her mansion", before she got really ill.

I will post more when Baiya and I are feeling better.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011


For 20011 I have decided that it is the year of Joy. over the past few weeks I have discovered that i choose how i am going to feel for the day and how I react to things that happen to me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011 = The Year of Me

I am so happy that 2010 is be hind me ans that now I can focus on a new chapter of my life and doing things to make me happy. I have learned that I am the only one that can make me happy because I choose to be happy or, in 2011, I choose to not let other make me feel bad, sad, mad or question who I am. I am know who I am and what i have to offer the wold... take it or leave it!